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Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical engineering

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Climate: change, values, science

Sanduhr mit schmelzendem Planeten darin © BPT BCI​/​TU Dortmund

The Sustainability Office of TU Dortmund University and the Chair of Bioprocess Engineering cordially invite you to the hybrid closing event of this year's public lecture series "Climate: Change, Values, Science" on 02.02.2024 from 16:00 to 17:30 h in the BCI Gallery of the Faculty of Biological and Chemical Engineering or online.

In the hybrid closing event of this year's public lecture series "Climate: Change, Values, Science", Dr. Ruben Schauer from the City of Dortmund's Coordination Office for Climate Protection and Climate Impact Adaptation will speak on the topic of "Energy Use Plan - The Roadmap for a Strategic Energy Transition in Dortmund". The short lecture will be followed by a panel discussion with Dr. Ruben Schauer and the other guests, Prof. Christian Rehtanz, Prof. Renée Tribble and Calvin Danne, moderated by Dr. Henning Moldenhauer from the TU Dortmund University's Sustainability Office. The event is open to the public and will take place in the BCI Gallery* of the Faculty of Biological and Chemical Engineering and, of course, online.

*) BCI Gallery of the Faculty of Biological and Chemical Engineering (Emil-Figge-Str. 66, UG)

Interested participants please register: