Write your Bachelor or Master thesis at the chair for bioprocess engineering!
Bioprocess engineering
Bioprocess engineering develops new processes for the production of valuable and active substances using biotechnological tools. For this purpose, isolated enzymes, enzyme cascades and whole cell systems are used as biocatalysts. Characterization starts with screening and continues through to bioprocess development.
Good to know
New publication in AppliedChem
Alina Kinner and co-authors publish "Biocatalytic Screening of the Oxidative Potential of Fungi Cultivated on Plant-Based Resources" in AppliedChem.
New publication in Metabolic Engineering Communications
The publication "Metabolic bottlenecks of Pseudomonas taiwanensis VLB120 during growth on D-xylose via the Weimberg pathway" was published.
Congratulations on your doctorate
"Algorithm-Based Optimization of In Vitro Enzyme Cascades"
New graduate cluster for sustainable bioeconomy
The graduate cluster AUFBRUCH starts
Prof. Dr. Stephan Lütz has been head of Bioprocess Engineering at the Faculty of Bio- and Chemical Engineering at TU Dortmund University since 2016.
The BCI Faculty Biocenter is an amalgamation of Bioprocess Engineering, Technical Biochemistry and Technical Biology.
In DECHEMA-BioTechNet, experts from academic research and industry find a forum for cooperation and interdisciplinary exchange of ideas.