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Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen

Regine Siedentop M.Sc.



Seit 04/2019 Promotion am Lehrstuhl der Bioprozesstechnik unter Prof. Dr. Stephan Lütz, BCI, TU Dortmund, mit dem Thema: »Iterative Optimization of an In Vitro Enzyme Cascade using Algorithm-based Analysis and Design«

06/2016 - 03/2019 Master of Science in Chemischer Biologie, TU Dortmund, mit der Masterarbeit an der Bioprozesstechnik unter Prof. Dr. Stephan Lütz: »Heterologous Expression and Activity Screening of Cyclic GMP-AMP Synthase Homologues for the Enzymatic Production of Cyclic Dinucleotides«

10/2012 - 05/2016 Bachelor of Science in Chemischer Biologie, TU Dortmund, mit der Bachelorarbeit am Chemical Genomics Centre, MPI, Dortmund unter Dr. Sven Hennig: »Methodenoptimierung zur Analyse von RNA Protein-Interaktionen unter Verwendung von Spinach-Derivaten«


Siedentop R, Siska, M, Möller N, Lanzrath H, von Lieres E, Lütz S, Rosenthal K,
Bayesian Optimization for an ATP-Regenerating In Vitro Enzyme Cascade.
Catalysts 2023, DOI

Siedentop R,  Dziennus M,  Lütz S, Rosenthal K
Debottlenecking of an In Vitro Enzyme Cascade Using a Combined Model‐ and Experiment‐Based Approach.
Chemie Ing. Tech. 2023 DOI

Kinner A., Nerke P., Siedentop R., Steinmetz T., Claassen T., Rosenthal K., Nett M., Pietruszka J., Lütz S.
Recent Advances in Biocatalysis for Drug Synthesis
Biomedicines, 2022, 10(5), 964 DOI

Siedentop R., Rosenthal K. 
Industrially Relevant Enzyme Cascades for Drug Synthesis and Their Ecological Assessment
International Journal of Molecular Science, 2022, 23(7), 3605 DOI

Siedentop R., Claaßen C., Rother D., Lütz S., Rosenthal K.
Getting the Most Out of Enzyme Cascades: Strategies to Optimize In Vitro Multi-Enzymatic Reactions
Catalysts, 2021, 11, 1183 DOI

Rosenthal K., Becker M., Rolf J., Siedentop R., Hillen M., Nett M., and Lütz S. (2020)
Catalytic promiscuity of cGAS: A facile enzymatic synthesis of 2’‐3’ linked cyclic dinucleotides
ChemBioChem, DOI

Rolf J., Siedentop R., Lütz S., and Rosenthal K. (2020)
Screening and Identification of Novel cGAS Homologues Using a Combination of In Vitro and In Vivo Protein Synthesis
International Journal of Molecular Science, 21(1): 105


Siedentop R., Dziennus M., Lütz S., Rosenthal K. (selected for Poster Flash Talk)
Identification of  Optimization Parameters in Cell-free Enzyme Cascades by Computer Modelling and Experimental Validation (Best poster award)
5th Multistep Enzyme Catalyzed Pro­cess­es Conference (MECP2020+1), 13. - 16. September 2021, online 

Siedentop R., Dziennus M., Lütz S., Rosenthal K.
Optimization of an Enzymatic Cascade using a Mechanistic Model
Himmelfahrtstagung on Bioprocess Engineering 2022. 23.-25. May 2022, Mainz, Germany

Rosenthal K., Becker M., Rolf J., Siedentop R., and Lütz S. (selected for Poster Pitch Talk)
Single-step reaction and enzyme cascade – Biocatalytic synthesis routes for novel cyclic dinucleotides
15th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Biotransformations, 19.-22. July 2021, online

Rosenthal K., Rolf J., Becker M., Siedentop R., and Lütz S.
Cell-free synthesis of enzymes for the production of pharmaceutically relevant molecules
ProcessNet-Jahrestagung, 21. - 24. September 2020, online

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