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Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical engineering

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Happening today

Karsten Schwanke is presenting „Climate change– The ONE challenge for society“

Meterologe und Moderator Karsten Schwanke © ARD

The meteorologist and presenter Karsten Schwanke, well-known from ARD and ZDF, is coming to the TU Dortmund today at the invitation of the Faculty of Bio- and Chemical Engineering and will give a lecture on the topic of "Climate Change - the ONE challenge of our society".

The lecture is part of the lecture series "Climate: Change, Values, Science". The lecture series has been providing students and the interested public with basic knowledge about the climate crisis and climate protection for three years. The lecture by Karsten Schwanke will take place on Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 4:00 pm in lecture hall 001 of the seminar room building (SRG). The words of welcome will be spoken by Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer, Rector of the TU Dortmund University.

Follow the lecture via Zoom

Meeting ID: 939 1876 2360
Passcode: 124694

Further information about the lecture series "Climate - Change, Values, Science" : Lecture series

We look forward to your participation.