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Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical engineering

Congratulations to Ronja Weidemann

Congratulations to Ronja Weidemann on 2nd place in the Forum Junge Spitzenforschung 2024 science competition

The Forum Junge Spitzenforschung science competition takes place every year. Sponsored by the Industrial Research Foundation and in cooperation with the TU concept, 6 young scientists with practice-relevant ideas and solutions that emerge from innovative basic research in the Ruhr metropolitan region are awarded a total of €30,000. This year's award focused on resource-efficient recycling management.

Ms. Weidemann took part with her research idea PhosFad - a biotechnological approach to phosphate recycling from municipal wastewater using a filamentous bacterium. The competition consisted of a 10-minute pitch in which the participants had to convince the jury of their idea. They then had to face a 10-minute question session from the five-member decision-making committee.